The New Dimension of Security and Peace in the World
The Creation of an Open Society Encompassing Geopolitical, Economic, and Cultural Cooperation Since the fall of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact Alliance, the world’s political, economic, and military dynamics have drastically changed. Three strong centers of economic, financial and political powers have emerged in Europe, East Asia and North America. The three […]
The world crisis 2
The Introduction of My Books: Recently, I have published two Books, one in German: Die Weltkrise und Ihre Ursachen (militärische Invasionen,Ausbeutungen und Eliminierung der Zivilbevölkerung und die Entstehung und Formierung des Terrorismus,Neue-Faschismus in der Welt); And in English: The World crisis The creation of Hate, Terrorism, New Fascism in the World; I have been living […]
An Open Letter to the American People
Why I will not accept to be second-tier citizen By: Hassan Massali, Ph.D In the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris and in San Bernardino, some fascist elements in Europe and the United States are attempting to justify their crimes against humanity in Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East. There now […]
The New Dimension of Security and Peace in the World
The Creation of an Open Society Encompassing Geopolitical, Economic, and Cultural Cooperation Since the fall of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact Alliance, the world’s political, economic, and military dynamics have drastically changed. Three strong centers of economic, financial and political powers have emerged in Europe, East Asia and North America. The three […]